Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Proposal Got Accepted!

I'm so beyond excited.  Here's a little snippet of the email I received, called "Cause for Celebration" earlier today in the middle of a hectic day of teaching:

Hi Diana and Jen,
We will indeed have much to celebrate when we meet in Boston on Nov. 21. The editorial team just approved your proposal, and everyone is very excited about bringing you and your book on board!

I knew the editors were meeting today, but WOW, I didn't expect to hear back so soon, and with such great news!! Of course, I immediately called Jen, and we had a little jumping-up-and-down-screaming moment 500 miles apart.  This feels good.  I can't wait to get down to the hard work of writing the book, and sharing our experiences with all of our colleagues out there who are just moving to teaching with 1:1.  We have another chapter to polish up before we meet up in Boston for NCTE, so I'd better get back to it...